Monday 20 September 2010

Because of the norwegian weather, this is the place I will spend all day. I've been sick all weekend and I still am. But a good thing about being sick is that I can just relax, drink my hot tea and use nasal spray as a crazy person. Ha ha.

I have to try to get better, because tomorrow me and my class are going to Oslo to listen to lectures about dementia. Even though Im living near Oslo, Im almost never there.I'm more of a small town girl.

Yesterday was a super day.  Man.Utd.-Liverpool 3-2 and IK START-Godset 4-2  :)


  1. Uff, lille venn :/ du må bli frisk!
    bra vi er to som er gale med nesesprayen... buhu
    og ikke ditch meg i morgen! du vet jeg hater oslo......

  2. Ha ha. Bare slapp av lille venn. Skal passe på deg i den store farlige byen jeg. Ha ha!!!

  3. Godt og høre! :D Da tør jeg og komme!
